Pests of Medical Importance
Bed bugs
Bed bugs are small parasitic insects that feed only on blood. Bed bugs have been associated with people for thousands of years, but at some point in the mid 1900's they were mostly eradicated from the developed world. However, in the last several decades numbers have increased, likely due to changes in pesticide regulations, pesticide resistance, and international travel.
Because bed bugs are primarily active at night, they are found most often in houses near beds or other sleeping areas. Bed bugs can feed from hosts without being noticed. They are not known to transmit any pathogens, but sometimes can result in skin or other allergic reactions, or even psychological concerns.
Penn State Extension Resources
bed bug precautions for travelers
Got bed bugs? Eliminate bed bugs with IPM
Bed bugs
Public health impact of bed bugs
Common urban pests: Identification, prevention, and control
Bed bugs are making a comeback
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