Post-doctoral Research Associate Position

Full announcement and application instructions:


        A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available in the Veterinary Entomology Laboratory of Dr. Erika Machtinger at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA. The successful applicant will have flexibility to work in several different research areas including integrated pest management and ecology of filth flies on livestock and poultry facilities, West Nile virus cycles associated with ruffed grouse in Pennsylvania, tick chemical ecology and associations with white-footed mice and other hosts, or arthropod transmission of avian influenza. Applicants are expected to have earned a Ph.D. degree. Previous training in veterinary entomology, vector management, vector-host interactions, wildlife conservation and ecology, is desired. Other requirements may be determined by the avenue of proposed research. The successful candidate will also participate in Extension activities through the College of Agriculture at Penn State.

          Requirements: A valid driver’s license; PhD degree in entomology, biology, ecology, wildlife conservation, or a related field; experience working under field conditions; and fluency in English. Anexcellent work ethic and ability to plan and work independently, and strong references are required.  

Preference will be given to applicants with: demonstrated record of publication, previous experience working in veterinary entomology/vector control, strong statistical and geospatial skills (e.g., occupancy modeling, ArcGIS, etc.), study and sampling design, and data management and data management tools (e.g., Access database design and use).

Dr. Machtinger will oversee project progress and facilitate research and communication between collaborators. To apply for this position, applicants should upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and career goals, and the names and contact information of three references through the application link above. Questions can be referred to Dr. Machtinger, of interested applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.


          More information regarding the Department of Entomology can be found here.  For more information on the Machtinger Veterinary Entomology Laboratory can be found here.